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The University of Southampton
Student Administration and Academic Affairs Timetabling

Room Booking

The role of the room booking team within the Curriculum and Timetabling Team is to provide an efficient room booking service to all students and staff at the University.


How to make a booking for a non-teaching University activity

To access the online booking site, University Staff should follow these simple procedures:

  1. Log into SUSSED
  2. Click on the "Services" tab, from "Quick Links" select "Room Bookings"
  3. Further guidance is available in 'Web Room Bookings Guidance' found at the bottom of this page


How to make a booking for a teaching activity

• You should submit all requests to book Common Learning Space for teaching activities to the appropriate timetabling representative within the Curriculum and Timetabling Team. This ensures any additions to teaching are recorded on student and staff timetables.


How to make a booking for an event not solely related to the University (eg. a conference where a charge is being made for delegates to attend)

• If you wish to request a booking in Common Learning Space which is not directly related to University students, staff or activities, you need to contact the Conference Office via .


How to request a change to the published timetable

• Your requests for changes after the publication of the timetable should be kept to a minimum

• If you make a request for a change to the published timetable you should seek approval from the academic owner for timetabling within your Faculty, normally the Associate Dean (Education and Student Experience) or their appointed representative.

• You need then to submit approved requests to the Curriculum and Timetabling team to be processed.


How to use the equipment provided within Common Learning Space

• Easy to use instructions and user guides are provided at the lectern bench or presenting area and give clear and simple guidance on using the equipment within the room.

You can book a Meet and Greet service to assist with setting up for presentations through ServiceLine


How to hire additional equipment

• If your requirements go beyond the standard equipment within the Common Learning Space that you are using, you may hire the following equipment for free to University users (for external groups there will be a charge):

• Please contact the ServiceLine in advance with your requirements

Please take note that we are no longer able to source a reliable supply of OHPs with Acetate scroll arm holders as they are no longer manufactured. These will start to be withdrawn from the end of this June and while we will endeavour to maintain a supply in our Lecture Theatres, when these will start to fail they will not be replaced. The OHP’s that were in the Lecture rooms were removed at the end of June for stock purposes

Should you require one for your lecture please make sure that you contact Serviceline to request a delivery to the room, along with date, time and building number.


How to report a problem within Common Learning Space

• In most Common Learning Space rooms there are phones (either on the lectern bench or nearby) where you can phone the ServiceLine on 25656 to report a problem. If appropriate, a technician will aim to attend within 15 minutes of your call to rectify the problem for you

• ServiceLine is available between 0830 and 1800 Monday to Friday; if you experience a problem outside this time, you should register this with the ServiceLine at the next available opportunity; a Meet and Greet service can be booked in advance via ServiceLine for activities taking place outside the University teaching day.


How you can help us

• Make safe use of the services made available to you and observe University regulations

• Do not consume food and drink within the Common Learning Space

• Familiarise yourself before you start the session with the Fire Evacuation route poster displayed

• Familiarise yourself with the equipment in advance of its use

• Return the layout of tables and chairs to that of the Room Layout poster before you leave

• Report damaged or faulty equipment to the ServiceLine so that it can be identified and rectified


How to contact us so we can help you



Curriculum and Timetabling Team


Conference Office


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