Ling Mien Yeo Malaysian
MSc Risk Management

Come with an open mind. The approach taken by some lecturers require you to think differently so an open mind will help you to learn better and faster. A beautiful campus that is very green. Southampton is a breath of fresh air after living in cities all my live.
Why did you choose to study at the University of Southampton?
I chose to study at the University of Southampton as it has the top Centre for Risk Research in the UK. This means that I get to learn from the best academics and professionals that are in the risk area.
What do you enjoy the most about living in Southampton?
Southampton is a breath of fresh air after living in cities all my live. The pace is less hectic and if I want to live it up, London is only 2 hours by bus away.
If you had any difficulties during your studies, how did you overcome them?
After working full time for almost 6 years, it was a challenge getting back to being a full time student. I just told myself to treat the studies as another form of work, though I have more flexibility with regards to the hours. Having good tutors and lecturers have helped me to readjust to being a student. The experience from work has enabled me to look at things from a different perspective which brings my coursework to the next level.
What will you do with your degree after you have finished your studies?
The degree will help me to have specialise more in the risk area as the formal qualification provided as well as the knowledge gain will make me more marketable and in demand in the financial services industry in Malaysia.
Did you receive a scholarship for your studies?
Yes, I received both the Chevening Scholarship (from Foreign & Commonwealth Office of the UK) and also the Mansion House Scholarship (from the Mansion House Scholarship Scheme during the Yarrow mayorality). The scholarships were very important to me as they ensure that I will not have to worry about funding my MSc studies, covering my tuition fees and also living expenses. Furthermore, being a scholarship recipient of both these prestigious scholarships means that I am also able to network with fellow scholars and also get to meet people from various backgrounds from many countries.
If you could give your past-self one piece of advice about coming to study in Southampton, what would it be?
Come with an open mind. The approach taken by some lecturers require you to think differently so an open mind will help you to learn better and faster.
Would you recommend the University of Southampton to students from your home country?
Yes as the University have experts in many fields.
What is your favourite spot on campus?
What were your first impressions of the University of Southampton?
A beautiful campus that is very green.