Operation Wallacea Presentation Event
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Rachel Daniels on +44 1790 763194 or email rachel.daniels@opwall.com .
Event details
Operation Wallacea have field sites in some of the most diverse and threatened environments around the world. Our teams of scientists, with the help of university students, spend the summer months collecting data which is used to implement much-needed conservation management schemes put in place to ensure the continued protection of fragile ecosystems.
There are a number of ways you can get involved with this – you can come for the experience and strengthen your CV or you can complete your final year dissertation, depending on your university’s policy, choosing from over 200 topics. You can also apply for a Masters by Research through Opwall, based in Peru, South Africa, Indonesia or Ecuador.
Operation Wallacea is coming to Southampton University on Monday 10th November at 12pm in to give a presentation about our biodiversity research, and how you can get involved. The presentation is being held in the 67/1003, Highfield Campus .
All students are welcome to join us for the presentation, no matter what your background.
For further information please visit our website www.opwall.com
Thank you and hope to see you at the presentation,
Opwall, UK