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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

Business and partnership

Knowledge Exchange and Enterprise (KEE)

2 women talking at a biological sciences outreach event

The School of Biological Sciences KEE team is led by Director Dr Claire Clarkin , Associate Professor of Skeletal and Developmental Biology. The KEE team brings together research, education and enterprise staff, PGR and UG students with a focus on fostering interactions with a range of external stake holders. These include large and small enterprise companies, government agencies, hospitals, health centres, schools, local councils and community groups.

Community and Business Partnerships

We have expertise and academics leading the following areas of KEE:

Biological sciences outreach flyer

We run a range of training events aswell as educational and research activities sessions focussed on KEE with local partners. The following annual on campus events are open to the general public:

We also frequently travel off campus visiting local schools, community groups, businesses as well as well as local councils and UK Parliament.

Women working on open day events

Our KEE work is recognised internationally.

It is supported by:

KEE Strategy

Child looking down a microscope

Our KEE strategy is part of the our Triple Helix approach and aims to bring investors, business partners and communities into the University’s flourishing inventive and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

We aim to be recognised as one of the strongest universities for KEE in the world.

We will build on the success of our incubation and on-campus start-up accelerators to extend enterprise opportunities across the whole University to support and develop School of Biological Sciences Spin Out companies, for example, TopMD from Professor Paul Skipp .

We provide world class consultancy across Biological Sciences themes including, microbiology, cell and developmental biology, neuroscience, plants and food security, precision and molecular biosciences

We aim to ensure that students and staff engaged in KEE gain the skills and experience they need to succeed in their careers and realise their potential to deliver impact.

We aim to grow and deepen our partnerships, from policymakers to industry, to be the partner of choice.

Research Centres

Biological Sciences hosts, or co-hosts, several specialist research centres, including those listed below.

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