Diamond – A New Light for Life Sciences Event

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Kim Lipscombe on 02380597747 or email K.R.Lipscombe@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
This overview will summarize the infrastructure and techniques available for structural and cellular biology at Diamond along with planned developments that will aid the advancement of our fundamental understanding of how biological systems function.
Synchrotrons have now become indispensable to structural biology research and have aided the structure determination of ever more complex macromolecules including the ribosome and viruses which has been spear-headed by macromolecular crystallography. Other X-ray based techniques available to biologists at Diamond include small angle scattering and spectroscopy. Furthermore use of UV/VIS light can be exploited to aid structural and functional analysis of complex macromolecules which are largely disordered and out of bounds to crystallographic analysis by Circular Dichroism. Complementing this reductionist approach to the understanding of the workings of the living cell is the use of X-ray, electron and Infrared imaging techniques, all of which are, or in the near future, available for biologists to access at Diamond.
- An overview of Diamond– what, where and why bother!
- Focus on Synchrotron Radiation applications in the life sciences from macromolecules to cells
- Progress towards an integrated campus for structural biology through light, X-rays and electrons

Speaker information
Martin A. Walsh ,Diamond Light Source and the Research Complex at Harwell