Putting theory into practice in conservation planning Event

For more information regarding this event, please telephone Kim Lipscombe on 02380597747 or email K.R.Lipscombe@soton.ac.uk .
Event details
Dr Alison Cameron has a BSc in Tropical Environmental Science from the University of Aberdeen, an MSc in Conservation Biology from the University of Cape Town, and a PhD from the University of Leeds. She worked as a Post Doctoral fellow at Princeton University and UC Berkeley in the USA, and then at the Max Planck Society in Germany. She is now a lecturer at Queen's University Belfast, in the School of Biological Science. She is interested in environmental niche theory, biogeography, extinction risk, and spatial planning for conservation, forestry, and agricultural landscapes.
- In 2003 the president of Madagascar committed to expand the national park network from 2 million to 6 million hectares (10% of the land surface area).
- This talk reviews how research has supported progress towards this target over the 12 years, and evaluates how effective the resulting protected area network is likely to be.
- New land scape planning priorities and emerging research directions will also be introduced.
Between 2003 and 2008 Madagascar's National Park network was expanded from 2 million to 6 million hectares, to 10% of the terrestrial surface area. This talk reviews systematic conservation planning analyses that were conducted to support the decision making, and discusses how these were used. The extinction risk that may result from the reduction in natural habitats to this final configuration 10% of the landscape is assessed, and new challenges for conservation planning in the unprotected matrix are discussed.

Speaker information
Dr Alison Cameron ,Queen's University Belfast,Alison is currently collaborating on an ESPA grant, "Can paying for global ecosystem services reduce poverty?", with collaborators from Southampton (www.p4ges.org<http://www.p4ges.org>).