Brains, bodies, bugs and balances: understanding and targetting neuroimmune mechanisms in stroke Event

- Date:
- 17 May 2017
- Venue:
- Life Sciences Building 85, Room 2207, Highfield Campus
For more information regarding this event, please telephone Selina Barry on 023 80 594794 or email .
Event details
Biological Sciences Seminar Series Programme for 2016/17
Abstract: Stroke is a major cause of mortality and disability through both direct damage to the brain and complications arising in the brain (e.g. swelling) and elsewhere in the body (e.g. pneumonia). Neuroimmune mechanisms are increasingly recognised as involved in these various pathological sequelae. As in other tissues, inflammatory and immune activity may have harmful and beneficial effects on the brain after stroke. Systemic immunological activity is also markedly perturbed after stroke, including protective anti-microbial defence systems. There is therefore a complex brain and body-wide influence of the immune system on injury, repair and recovery after stroke. Successful therapeutic immunomodulatory approaches for stroke will need to account for this complexity. In this talk, I will present some of our recent work investigating how neuroimmune processes locally in the brain and systemically influence key determinants of stroke outcome and discuss their relevance for developing new therapeutic approaches.
Speaker information
Dr Barry McColl , University of Edinburgh, the Roslin Institute.