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The University of Southampton
Biological Sciences

United Kingdom | Research Projects

Marwell is the custodian of a variety of habitats in Hampshire, South of England. Eelmoor Marsh Site of Special Scientific Interest / Special Protection Area is a rich complex of wet and dry heath, and grasslands; while the Marwell Woods Nature Reserve within the South Downs National Park comprises tracts of semi-natural ancient woodland and calcareous grassland. Across these areas, we seek to enhance biodiversity as part of an approach to sustainable, multi-functional land use.

MRes projects will focus on the effects of habitat management or understanding populations and ecology of notable species or assemblages that need to be considered for conservation purposes. This may include impacts of grazing on heathland; the responses of botanical and invertebrate communities to grassland restoration; status of breeding birds and ecological studies on carnivorous plants, orchids, or small mammals.

During their project, students will have the opportunity to participate various aspects of site management including habitat restoration operations, monitoring and stakeholder engagement.

Projects available (Bands A and B)

Project costs include fuel allowance for making car trips to field sites where needed, any lab costs that may be required. If studying at Eelmoor Marsh, the project student will require their own vehicle.

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