Research interests
My research interests focus on two different yet intersecting areas. First, specific interest areas revolve around the dynamics of organisational response strategies to institutional complexities from perspective of different actors in various fields including higher education, social entrepreneurship and sharing economy.
Second, I research entrepreneurial eco-systems through underpinning mechanisms that facilitate or hinder entrepreneurial orientation and innovativeness of organisations. My MA thesis was on innovation which drew my attention to entrepreneurial activities of change makers and innovators. I have also worked as a research fellow on a research project exploring entrepreneurial dynamics of agricultural small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) in Turkish context. Empirical findings from this project have been published as policy report and book chapter in the Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation. Currently, I have been working on a research project, which explores role of the technology transfer offices (TTOs) in building entrepreneurial universities in emerging economies. We have been preparing an article reporting on qualitative empirical outcomes of this project to submit to the journal, Research Policy.
Broader research interests
Area of interest: Institutional theory with particular focus on meso and micro-foundations of institutional change processes, Bourdieu`s social theory of practice, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial eco-systems, social entrepreneurship, social innovation, leadership, NGOs, methodology (constructivism),
Industries: higher education, shared economy, non-profit, animal trafficking, agriculture
Geographies: Turkey, Canada, UK, Brazil
Research papers-in-progress
[Title withheld],with M. Karatas-Ozkan, V. Grinevish and F. Huber, Special Issue of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (ABS 3*) (Submitted)
Drivers for entrepreneurial universities and role of technology transfer offices in emerging economies, with Serdal Temel, Mine Karatas-Ozkan, Vadim Grinevich, Jeremy Howells, in preparation for Research Policy
Socio-materiality and strategy practice in higher education, with M. Karatas-Ozkan, J. Howells and M. Atiq, in preparation for Human Relations
The role of organizational habitus in organizational responses to institutional complexities, (will be extracted from my PhD thesis) targeted for Academy of Management Journal
Conference papers/presentations
Yavuz, C., Karatas-Ozkan, M., and Howells, J. (July, 2016-accepted). The role of organizational habitus in organizational responses to institutional complexities. 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy.
Karatas-Ozkan, M., Howells, J., Yavuz, C., and Atiq, M. (September, 2015). Socio-materiality and strategy practice in higher education: Bridging multiple layers through a Bourdieuan lens. 29th British Academy of Management Conference, Portsmouth, UK, (Best Full Paper Award from Strategy-as-Practice track).
Karatas-Ozkan, M., Howells, J., Yavuz, C., and Atiq, M. (June, 2015). Socio-materiality and strategy practice in higher education: Bridging multiple layers through a Bourdieuan lens. 14th EURAM Conference, Warsaw, Poland.
Yavuz, C., Karatas-Ozkan, M., and Ometto, M. P. (July, 2014). Institutional voids in emerging markets: A case of animal trafficking. 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Tunalioglu R., Cobanoglu F., Cankurt M., Cınar G., Ozkan M.K., Bektas T., Howell J., and Yavuz C. (September, 2014). Aydın İlinde Tarıma Dayalı Gıda Sektöründeki İşletmelerde Yöneticilerin Girişimcilik Eğilimleri Arasındaki Farklılıkların Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma (A research investigating differences of managers` entrepreneurial orientations in agricultural sector in Aydin) XI. Ulusal Tarım Ekonomisi Kongresi (National Agricultural Economics Congress), 497-506, 3, Samsun, Turkey.
Yavuz, C., Karatas-Ozkan, M., and Howells, J. (July, 2013). Multi-layered understanding of institutional entrepreneurship in emerging markets: A Bourdieuan framework. 29th EGOS Colloquium, Paper Development Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
Yavuz, C., Karatas-Ozkan, M., and Howells, J. (June, 2013). Institutional entrepreneurship from relational and diversity perspectives. 13th EURAM Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
Yavuz, C., Karatas-Ozkan, M. (March, 2013). Understanding Embedded Agency in Institutional Entrepreneurship: Emerging Market Perspective. 9th New Institutionalism Workshop, Warsaw, Poland.
Yavuz, C., Karatas-Ozkan, M. (October, 2012). Mapping the Institutional Entrepreneurs’ Activities from a Social Perspective. 2nd Interreg Conference, Southampton, UK.
Culpan, R., Koç, O., Yavuz, C. (July, 2011). A Critical Examination of Innovators’ Common Dilemmas: A Conceptual Model and Three Case Studies. 20th Annual World Business Congress (IMDA) (ISBN:1-888624-10-8), Poznan, Poland.
Culpan, R., Culpan, O., Koç, O., Yavuz, C. (June, 2011). A Meta-Analysis of Corporate Sustainability: Scope, Level, Methodology, and Contributions of Previous Studies. 10th International Academy of Management and Business (IAMB) Conference (ISSN 1949-9108), Istanbul, Turkey.
Koc, O., Yavuz, C. (June, 2011). Managerial Perceptions of and Attitudes towards Corporate Sustainability: The Case of Turkey. 7th Strategic Management Conference, (accepted for presentation but not presented), Paris, France.
Koc, O., Yavuz, C. (October, 2010). İnovasyonun Yaratımı Açısından Kızıl Kraliçe Etkisi Oyun Dışı Aktörler Üzerinden Keşifsel Bir Araştırma [Red Queen Effect in terms of Innovation Creation: An Explorative Study via Outside Actors of the Game]. International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Family Business and Innovation (ISBN 978-9756734-08-7) Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish).
Koc, O., Yavuz, C. (October, 2010). How to Innovate Socially? A Study to Analyze Relationship between Entrepreneurial Competencies and Innovative Behaviours of Social Entrepreneurs. Innovation Driven Entrepreneurship Congress, Baltic Management Research Academy (BMRA) (ISSN 2029-5448), Vilnius, Lithuania.
Koc, O., Yavuz, C. (May, 2010). Work Innovation or Innovation Work: A Comparative Analysis of Innovation Activities among EU Countries. 6th International Scientific Symposium on Business Administration, (ISBN 978-80-7248594-9) Karvina, Czech Republic.
Affiliate research group
Centre of Excellence for Innovation and Enterprise