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The University of Southampton
Southampton Business School Postgraduate study

Mr Qazi Waheed Uz Zaman MBA (HR), MS (OB)

PhD Student

Mr Qazi Waheed Uz Zaman's photo

Research interests

The aim of the study is to determine the potential for Social enterprise and Innovation (SEI) in the enhancement of socio-economic and environmental decision making process in the coastal GBM Delta of Bangladesh. The proposed study aims to achieve this by understanding the process of transition from ‘rice to shrimp farming’ in southwest coastal zone of Bangladesh; operationalize a system dynamics conceptualization of the relationship between SEI and relevant stakeholders ; identify inter-relationships from scenarios outcomes of SEI on the effectiveness of decision making processes.

This interdisciplinary study draws on three sets of expertise :

  • CORMSIS for expertise in modelling, decision support, forecasting and prediction.
  • GeoData Institute for data support on coastal zone management notably the ESPA Deltas project .
  • CSI for expertise in social enterprise and innovation in developing countries, and participative methodologies.

Mr Qazi Waheed Uz Zaman
Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK
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