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Mr Ron M Swart

Knowledge Transfer Manager (Chemistry)

Mr Ron M Swart's photo

Ron Swart’s considerable experience in R & D across a range of industrial sectors, together with his understanding of the benefits of interfacing with academic collaborators, are key to his role as the Knowledge Transfer Manager within the KCMC/University of Southampton.

After studying chemistry at Durham University and Enzymology at Warwick, Ron joined ICI working in crop protection.  He moved to ICI’s Corporate Laboratory where he worked on aspects of bioprocessing, before leading a team using model bio-membranes to study mode of action.  During this period he transferred to the Corporate Colloid Science Group leading a team responsible for studying biological interfaces.

When ICI divested Zeneca, he joined Zeneca Specialties (later Avecia) as Group Leader of a team studying polymer interfaces – including the formulation of biocides and solvent extraction processes for metal recovery. Cytec Industries bought this latter business and Ron took responsibility for the development of new solvent extractants in hydrometallurgy.

In 2008, Ron moved to Cytec’s Specialty Coatings business, leading research in powder coatings and subsequently, a strategic technology group with a very broad remit in developing new technologies.  On the divestment of the coatings business to Allnex, Ron led the Analytical Research Group and also had responsibility for the Knowledge Management Office.

Throughout his industrial research career, Ron has had multiple collaborations with industry, acting as an industrial supervisor for numerous CASE award PhD students and has a clear understanding of the benefits such collaborations can bring to the industrial and academic partners – as well as the student.  This sharing of skills, knowledge and expertise between industry and academia is always beneficial and can bring exciting and sometimes unexpected opportunities.

Research interests

External enquiries regarding possible collaborative projects with research groups in Chemistry at Southampton or to access our research facilities are encouraged and should be directed to Ron via email ( in the first instance.

Mr Ron M Swart
Student Office, Building 59, Room1201, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 27/2052

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