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The University of Southampton
Health Needs

Investigating the organisation and delivery of an end of life care strategy

Systematic review on end of life care experiences of service and intervention evaluation
Hui, V.H-U., Addington-Hall, J., Bailey, C. CECO.

A pilot study to investigate an approach to researching the symptom complexes associated with early and late stage lung cancer, and the factors associated with delay in presentation and diagnosis of lung cancer
Corner, J., Department of Health, Policy Research Programme. 2003:  12 months

A study of the effectiveness of the Macmillan Approach To Weight Loss and Eating Difficulties
Hopkinson, J., Macmillan Cancer  Support 2008:

A survey of provision of breast care nursing for patients with metastatic breast cancer
Fenlon, D. Breast Cancer Care.

Case for support: managing suffering at the end of life

Change in management from clinic to home: Acceptability and barriers to successful implementation. A qualitative exploration of intravenous and oral bisphosphonates in metastatic breast cancer
Nelson, A., Morris, J., Fenlon, D. Wales Cancer Trials  Unit 2009:

Developing a utility index for End of Life care
Gerard, K., Addington-Hall, J ., Bolt, T. YEAR:  36 months

End of Life Care in Intensive Care Settings: a case study approach
Coombs, M., Addington-Hall, J., Rogers, A.

Evaluation of the innovative hospice services for non-cancer patients
Addington-Hall, J. Help the Hospices.

Exploring the views and experiences of critical care nurses when involved in providing and facilitating end of life care
Coombs, M., Addington-Hall, J., Ugboma, D., Willis, H., Palmer, R. The Burdett School of Nursing.

Palliative care in acute strokes
Addington-Hall, J. The Stroke Association. 19 months

Patient Centred Integrated Medicine in the Management of Chronic Illness: a Qualitative Study
Brien, S., Lewith, G., Bishop, F.

Systematic review on preference for place of care/death in end of life
Hui, K-L., Addington-Hall, J., Bailey, C. CECo.

The IMPROVE study: VOICES redesign and testing project to inform the development of a national survey
Addington-Hall, J., Hunt, J., Hui, K-Y., Shlomo, N. Department of Health. 2009: 18 months

Transitions between services at the end of life for older people: patient and provider perspectives
Hanratty, B., Addington-Hall,  J., Lowson, E., Holmes, L., Goldacre, M., Grande, G., Payne, S. National Institute of Health Research. 2009: 36 months

Understanding and improving the quality of end-of-life care for patients dying from end stage renal disease

The impact of variations in out of hours end of life care provision on patient experience, staff and health systems
Addington-Hall, J., Lattimer, V., Brailsford, S., Gerard, K., Salisbury, C., Heaney, D., Todd, C., Bennett, M., Moore, M., Brien, S., England, H., Cottrell, P.  NETSCC, Service Delivery & Organisation. 2010

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