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The University of Southampton
Southampton Education School Postgraduate study

Ms Joanna Grace

Doctoral researcher

Ms Joanna Grace's photo

Joanna Grace is a doctoral researcher exploring identity and belonging for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.

Joanna holds a degree in Philosophy and a masters in Special Education. She is a prolific writer, with nine books published and closing in on two hundred articles in print and online media (including 3 journal articles – a tally she hopes to increase shortly). Joanna’s books can be viewed on her website and her LinkedIn profile acts as an archive for her publications.

Joanna is active on social media, across Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn and would welcome new connections interested in seeing the world become a place where people are understood in spite of their differences. (For connection links see Jo’s website). Joanna has also co-presented a TEDx talk: Inclusion; for pity’s sake? with her friend Chloe, who has profound and multiple learning disabilities.

Joanna’s PhD project will use a Facet methodology approach to explore how perceptions of identity either alienate us from one another, or bond us with one another and engender feelings of belonging.

Joanna is autistic and is interested in other autistics experiences of academia.

Research interests

PhD Supervision

Melanie Nind and Jo Hope

Research group

Centre for Research in Inclusion

Ms Joanna Grace
Southampton Education School University of Southampton Building 32 Southampton SO17 1BJ United Kingdom
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