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The University of Southampton
Health Sciences

Institute for Life Sciences Conference: 'Dementia' Event

Institute for Life Sciences
IfLS Conference image
09:00 - 18:00
16 September 2014
Turner Sims Highfield Campus, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ

For more information regarding this event, please telephone 023 8059 7280 or email .

Event details

The aim of this conference is to showcase the value of interdisciplinary research in the multi-factorial spectrum of dementia.

The IfLS is a catalyst for interdisciplinary research and training in dementia facilitating fusions of skills and expertise from Medicine, Biological Sciences, Health Sciences, Music, Engineering and Mathematics, within the UK and beyond.

We are proud to present that our keynote speakers are:

Prof John Hardy , PhD, FMedSci, FRS, Professor of Neuroscience at UCL

Prof Nick Fox , MD, FRCP, FMedSci, Professor and Honorary Consultant Neurologist at UCL

Programme participants include:

Dr Anna Barney (University of Southampton)
The Reverend Professor June Boyce-Tillman (University of Winchester)
Dr Jackie Bridges (University of Southampton)
Dr Roxana Carare (University of Southampton)
Dr Lesley Collier (University of Southampton)
Prof Clive Holmes (University of Southampton)
Dr Amrit Mudher (University of Southampton)
Dr Dragana Nikolic (University of Southampton)
Dr James Pickett (Alzheimer's Society)
Dr Simon Ridley (Alzheimer's Research UK)
Prof Louise Serpell (University of Sussex)
Prof Keith Sharp (University of Louisville)
Prof Peter J S Smith (University of Southampton)
Dr Mariana Vargas-Caballero (University of Southampton)

This conference is free to attend - no travel bursaries are available for delegates

Registration has now closed - enquiries can be sent to

Poster Opportunity

Attendees are invited to submit a poster for display. Please submit an abstract (not more than 400 words) to by Friday 15 August 2014

BBSRC Excellence with Impact Participant 2013
BBSRC Excellence with Impact Participant 2013
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