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Mr Andrew Davey BSc (Hons) CMALT

eLanguages Products and Projects Manager and Learning Technologist

Mr Andrew Davey's photo

Mr Andrew Davey is the eLanguages Products and Projects Manager and Learning Technologist in Modern Languages and Linguistics at the University of Southampton.

I have been a part of the eLanguages team since 2007. My work centres around a number of different projects, courses and resources, including the EAP Toolkit and the MA in ELT: Online , where I provide students and tutors on the course with comprehensive technical support and advice. I manage externally-funded projects, including Prepare for Success (funded by UKCISA ) and Get Ready for Southampton . I provide support for Technology Enhanced Learning across Modern Languages and Linguistics , including 'learning object' design and development, blogs and the introduction of new software and technologies. I also run the eLanguages website, and contribute to the department's social media presence. I was Conference Co-chair (Organisation) at EuroCALL 2017 .

Research interests

Mr Andrew Davey is the eLanguages Products and Projects Manager and Learning Technologist in Modern Languages and Linguistics at the University of Southampton.

Research group


Affiliate research group

Modern Languages eLearning Group

I contribute to eLearning and Blended Learning courses for visiting academics, with a particular focus on implementation, enhancement and presentation of developed materials. I also present guest lectures on the Pre-Sessional Programme in EAP.

Mr Andrew Davey
Building 65 Faculty of Arts and Humanities University of Southampton Avenue Campus Highfield Southampton SO17 1BF United Kingdom

Room Number : 65/2173

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