iSolutions provides and manages access to a range of IT resources and services on behalf of the University.
In addition to the University regulations, the Director of iSolutions has (with the approval of the University) put in place the following regulations and policies relating to the use of services provided by iSolutions.
The University has approved an Acceptable Use Policy covering the use of electronic communications facilities (including internet and e-mail) provided by the University.
The Acceptable Use Policy clarifies what these facilities are provided for and what use may be made of them.
The policy applies to all those working for the University in any capacity.
These are the terms and conditions for you to be aware of concerning the use of the network connection that is provided in your Halls of Residence.
You should familiarise yourself with this, in order to understand what you should not do when using the network, this includes illegal activity as well as activities that could interfere with normal operation of University services.
iSolutions provides a standard range of Windows, AppleMac and Linux desktops and laptops to meet the requirements of staff across the University.
In addition, iSolutions provides a range of higher specification desktops and laptops.
The hardware policy describes the provision and charging arrangements in place.
This regulation refers to the ownership and use of networking equipment, up to and including the network point that it used to plug in your computing devices.
It includes details on where additional charges or costs may apply as well as information about activities that are strictly prohibited with respect to networking.
JANET (Joint Academic Network) links the University to other academic sites and the Internet and any service making use of this link.
Put simply, this means that when you access the internet or send an email to an external recipient, you will be using JANET.
When using the link, the University is subject to their Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Security policy. The University is required to take action to deal with any device or individual found to be in breach of the JANET policies.
Heads of School or Professional Service may define their own regulations for services they operate or provide, or for members of that School or Service. These must be in accordance with the University, iSolutions (where applicable) and external regulations.
JANET (Joint Academic Network) links the University to other academic sites and the Internet and any service making use of this link. This means that when you access the internet or send an email to an external recipient, you will be using JANET.
When using the link, the University is subject to their Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Security policy. The University is required to take action to deal with any device or individual found to be in breach of the JANET policies.
Heads of School or Professional Service may define their own regulations for services they operate or provide, or for members of that School or Service. These must be in accordance with the University, iSolutions (where applicable) and external regulations.
These guidance notes are to help you and others to ensure that you get the best out of your use of a public workstation area, as well as to ensure that the IT equipment is protected.
Reference is also made to other University and external regulations to ensure that you do not inadvertently carry out an action which may be prohibited.
iSolutions, on behalf of the University of Southampton, provides computer and information systems support for all staff members, postgraduate researchers, authorised visitors and undergraduate students.
The purpose of this Policy is to describe the level of service that will be provided by iSolutions to each of these categories.
This policy is based around the Data Protection Act. This exists to regulate the use of personal data and also to provide certain rights around accessing personal information.