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The University of Southampton
Southampton Law School Postgraduate study

Supervision & progress

Supervision is offered either on a full-time or a part-time basis.

All full-time students are currently expected to be resident in Southampton for the duration of their research degree; part-time students must be available for supervision by arrangement with their supervisor. This is to ensure that the supervision process is properly and effectively carried out.

Confirmation of PhD candidature

The progression milestone for Confirmation of PhD candidature occurs during a three-month window towards the end of the second year of research study, in the case of full-time candidates.

The Confirmation milestone involves scrutiny of a number of chapters of the thesis by a Panel of at least two members of the Law School and a formal discussion of these (viva) between the members of the Panel and the research student.

Key facts

There is an impressive record within the Southampton Law School for pioneering first class legal research which is linked to student teaching, the supervision of postgraduate research students and consultancy work. Many staff are also barristers and solicitors, maintaining close links with the needs of Government, industry and the legal professions. Consultancy work can be carried out either by an individual staff member or within one of the specialist research centres.

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