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The University of Southampton
Mathematical Sciences

Professor Ron King

Emeritus Professor

Professor Ron King's photo

Professor Ron King is Emeritus Professor within Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton.

BSc (1960, Imperial College, London);
PhD (1964, Imperial College London);
FInstP (1983).


Mathematics, University of Southampton:
Lecturer 1964-78;
Senior Lecturer 1978-84;
Reader 1984-88;
Professor of Mathematical Physics 1988-2004;
Emeritus Professor 2004- to date.


Dean of Faculty of Mathematical Studies and Head of Department of Mathematics, 1996-99


Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Toronto, Canada, 1971-72
Visiting Senior Lecturer, University of Auckland, NZ, 1979
Visiting Erskine Fellow, University of Canterbury, NZ. 1984
Visiting Professor, University of Strasbourg, France.1986
Honorary Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA,1994
Professeur Invite, Universite Paris Nord, Paris, France, 2002-04


Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship 2004-06
Editorial Board, Journal of Physics A, 1984-87
Programme Committee, Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics,
Melbourne, Australia, 2002 and Valparaiso, Chile, 2008
International Advisory Committee,
Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter. Poland, 2005-09
President, International Scientific Committee,
Professor Brian G Wybourne Commemorative Meeting, Torun, Poland, 2005

Research interests

Current research interests - algebraic combinatorics including the following topics:

characters of irreducible representations of Lie superalgebras;
Hopf algebras, character rings and new branching rules induced by plethysms;invariant theory for qubits and nuclear models;
Schur function identities and Howe dual pairs of groups;
the hive model and stretched Kostka, Littlewood-Richardson and Kronecker coefficients;
generating function methods for evaluating these coefficients;
Young tableaux of regular, shifted and truncated shape over various alphabets; alternating sign matrices, square ice models and deformations of character formulae

Research group

Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Professor Ron King
Building 54 Mathematical Sciences University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ
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