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The University of Southampton
Medical Education

Personal Academic Tutors

Being a Personal Academic Tutor is an expected and important part of the role of academics and clinicians and one that has great potential in enthusing, guiding and helping transform the lives of our students. It is essential students feel well supported as they develop and face the challenges of the BM programmes; they really value the opportunity to develop a relationship with a Personal Academic Tutor who gets to know them over time.

Quite apart from its central role in supporting the student experience, it is also critical in helping prepare medical students for their future careers. For the University it is also important in terms of NSS scores, determining positions on league tables and funding: the provision of quality academic student support is central to the University’s strategic vision. The GMC’s Good Medical Practice states that “all doctors should contribute to teaching and training doctors and students”.

Personal Academic Tutors, whatever their background, have a vital role as mentors and role models for tomorrow’s doctors
Personal Academic Tutors, whatever their background, have a vital role

All Personal Academic Tutors, whatever their background, have a vital role as mentors and role models for tomorrow’s doctors. The system of Personal Academic Tutors (PATs) and Senior Tutors (STs) has long been in place in the Medical Faculty and a similar model has now been adopted by the whole University in order to ensure consistency and quality of student academic and pastoral support.

MEDUSA provides a range of resources for Personal Academic Tutors, including interactive e-learning modules, useful articles, Faculty information, and links. (login required)

Take a look at the guide below on 'Being an effective Personal Academic Tutor' or complete the e-learning module on ‘ Being a Personal Academic Tutor ’ to explore the role and responsibilities of PATs, to learn how to develop your relationship with your tutees and to find links to relevant information and guidance.

Being an effective Personal Academic Tutor
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