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Dr Amy Williamson

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow

Dr Amy Williamson's photo

Dr Amy Williamson is a postdoctoral teaching fellow at the University of Southampton.

During the 2017-18 academic year I will be teaching the following modules: ‘Music and Comedy’ (HUMA3015), ‘Research Skills 1’ (MUSI6031), and ‘Flappers to Rappers: Girl Singers in 20th Century Popular Music’ (MUSI3090).

I completed an undergraduate degree at the University of Southampton in 2008, and a Masters in 2009. In 2016 I completed a PhD under Professor Mark Everist, which was fully funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of the research project Cantum pulcriorem invenire, which focussed on the conductus in the thirteenth century. My thesis concentrated on English polyphony during the ‘long’ thirteenth century (c.1150-c.1350), with a particular focus on genre and repertory.

I have read papers at a number of conferences, including ‘Ars Antiqua I: Music and Culture in Europe c.1150-c.1330’ (Princeton, 2011), ‘Medieval and Renaissance conference’ (Barcelona, 2011; Nottingham, 2012), and ‘Ars Antiqua II: Music and Culture in Europe c.1150-c.1330’ (Southampton, 2013).

Research group

Musicology and Ethnomusicology

Research project(s)

Queer Music, Queer Theory, Queer Music Theory

If a composer is queer, is their music queer too? In the early 1990s Susan McClary proposed that the answer to this question was 'yes'. She furthered Maynard Solomon's controversial proposal that Franz Schubert (1797-1828) might have been gay by suggesting that analysis of Schubert's music (that is, close study of its inner-workings) revealed stylistic features that might be associated with his homosexuality.

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(Forthcoming) “The Insular Conductus and its Relationship to the Notre-Dame Style” in Music and Culture in the Age of the Late Capetians: From Philip Augustus to Charles the Fair (1180-1328), ed. Catherine Bradley and Mark Everist (forthcoming).

2015 “English Polyphonic Music Around 1300: Genre and Repertory in Cambridge, Corpus Christi MS 8”, Musica Disciplina, Vol. 58 (2013), pp. 373-391.

2014 “Montpellier in Oxford” (Review), Early Music, Vol. 42, No. 3 (August 2014), pp. 502-3

Dr Amy Williamson
Music Department
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ

Room Number : 28/2043

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