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The University of Southampton
Global Network for Anti-Microbial Resistance and Infection Prevention

Early Career Researcher (ECR) support

Global-NAMRIP has a support network for its Early Career Researchers (ECR's). ECR's come from both the UK, including the five University of Southampton Faculties and University Hospital Southampton, and further afield. The support network is overseen by the Global-NAMRIP Early Career Researcher Committee, with the following members:

Posters on display
Posters being presented at the Festival of Early Career Research

The ECR career stage can offer many opportunities but also can be difficult as it is the key time when long-term career options become available or not. Global-NAMRIP seeks to support ECRs by:

Emeritus ECR Committee Members

Previous members of the ECR Committee continue to be involved in Global-NAMRIP, providing advice and mentoring to new Early Career Researchers. Our Emeritus ECR committee members are:


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