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The University of Southampton

Southampton researchers examine our ageing society

Published: 13 January 2006

Issues surrounding getting older in the 21st century are being examined in depth at the University of Southampton.

The Centre for Research on Ageing is an international and multi-disciplinary centre examining key issues in ageing and the lifecourse to inform policy and debate at both national and local level. These include resources in old age such as pensions, inequalities, diversity, health, social care, quality of life and quality of death.

It is headed by Professor Maria Evandrou from the School of Social Sciences .

"Older people are a very diverse group. Some may be poor and in ill-health but others will be active and healthy with many hobbies and interests and enough money to live well," said Professor Evandrou. "We need to challenge assumptions about elderly people if we are to understand what the future has in store for us."

Research at the centre involves the use of dynamic simulation modelling software, complex large-scale datasets and other innovative methodologies.

Pensions Commissioner Professor John Hills will be launching the new Centre at a public lecture on Tuesday 17 January at the Turner Sims Concert Hall on the University's Highfield campus. The title is 'Debating the future of pensions: Where now after the Pension Commission's report?' It starts at 5.30pm and admission is free with no tickets required.

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The University of Southampton is one of the UK's top 10 research universities, with a global reputation for excellence in both teaching and research. With first-rate opportunities and facilities across a wide range of subjects in science and engineering, health, arts and humanities, the University has around 20,000 students and 5000 staff at its campuses in Southampton and Winchester. Its annual turnover is in the region of £274 million.
Southampton is recognised internationally for its leading-edge research in engineering, science, computer science and medicine, and for its strong enterprise agenda. It is home to world-leading research centres, including the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton; the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research; the Optoelectronics Research Centre; the Textile Conservation Centre; the Centre for the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease; and the Mountbatten Centre for International Studies.

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