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The University of Southampton

National award for Southampton physiotherapist

Published: 1 March 2010

A leading Southampton physiotherapist has received a national award for developing innovative staff workshops to act on patient feedback.

Dr Lisa Roberts, a senior lecturer at the University of Southampton and superintendent physiotherapist at Southampton General Hospital, has been awarded the Arthritis Research Campaign’s Silver Medal for her Improving patient experience in a musculoskeletal physiotherapy service project.

The medical research charity’s prestigious annual award is presented to a physiotherapist who has submitted a piece of work that enhances patient care or contributes to the knowledge of rheumatology professionals.

Dr Roberts ran a service evaluation in the musculoskeletal physiotherapy outpatient department, which involved designing and evaluating an information leaflet for new patients, recording their experiences and making changes to how the service is delivered.

The feedback received by physiotherapists from rheumatology, orthopaedic, pain clinic and occupational health patients forms the basis of an annual workshop for the team to review practice and identify where they can further improve.

Each physiotherapist receives a report of their own patients’ views as well as the overall department results.

“Putting patients first is our top priority and listening to their views has been invaluable in shaping our service,” Dr Roberts said.

“This is a very prestigious award and reflects the strong team bond we have in the department and the passion to deliver the best service we can.”

Dr Roberts will collect her award, plus a £1,000 cash prize, in April at the British Society for Rheumatology Conference in Birmingham.

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