Professor Diana Eccles appointed Dean of Medicine

The University is pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Diana Eccles as the new Dean of Medicine following a rigorous recruitment process which attracted both UK and international candidates. Professor Eccles will take up her appointment from 1st September 2018, succeeding Professor Iain Cameron who announced his forthcoming retirement in October.
Professor Eccles graduated from the University of Manchester in 1983 and trained in general medicine before specialising in medical oncology in Edinburgh. She held an ICRF Clinical Research Training Fellowship at the MRC Human Genetics Unit in Edinburgh completing her MD in 1992, she then moved to Southampton to a research lecturer position in genetic epidemiology and continued clinical training in genetic medicine. She was appointed to an NHS consultant post in 1995 in the Wessex Regional Genetics Service based at University Hospital Southampton and established one of the first NHS cancer genetics services. She continued to develop and deliver the cancer genetics service fostering a strong research ethos gathering information and evidence to inform further service development. She was Clinical Lead for the regional genetics service in 2000-2004 and in 2004 was appointed Chair of Cancer Genetics at the University of Southampton.
She is the Chief Investigator for a large national study on breast cancer established in 2000 and investigating the role of inherited genetic mutation in breast cancer risk and prognosis and collaborates with investigators nationally and internationally. From 2009-2014, she was Director of the University of Southampton Clinical Trials Unit, overseeing a transformation in its fortunes.
She has brought over £20m in grant income to the Faculty and published over 280 peer reviewed papers. She is an undergraduate and post-graduate tutor, mentor and supervisor and is particularly interested in promoting equal opportunities for clinical and non-clinical academic career progression.
She has been Chair of the UK Cancer Genetics Group, secretary to the British Society for Genetic Medicine, Academic Vice President of the Clinical Genetics Society and President of the British Breast Group. She has been involved in clinical research training as a member of the HEFCE Clinical Senior Lectureship awards panel, the MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship panel and the Cancer Research UK Clinical Careers Committee. She continues to hold an honorary clinical consultant role with the regional clinical genetics service.
Professor Eccles said “I am looking forward to taking on this exciting new role in the Faculty of Medicine in Southampton, working with an excellent team of staff and with students to achieve a strong position amongst the top ten UK Medical Schools delivering innovative and transformational research and teaching.”
President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir Christopher Snowden commented "I am delighted to welcome the appointment of Professor Eccles as the new Dean of Medicine. She has a strong vision for the future of the Faculty and has demonstrated a track a record of successful leadership. I look forward to working with her and to continuing to support the growth and success of Medicine at Southampton.”