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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Dr Adam J Reed MSci, PhD

Visiting Research Fellow

Dr Adam J Reed's photo

Dr Adam Reed is a Visiting Research Fellow within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton.

2021 – Present: Visiting Research Fellow, University of Southampton, UK.
2018 – 2020: Research Fellow in Polar Benthic Ecology, Research funded by the NERC Changing Arctic Ocean project as a specialist in reproduction and growth. University of Southampton, UK
2016 – 2018: Visiting Research Fellow, University of Southampton, UK.
2014 – 2016: Postdoctoral Research Fellow on Influence of Nutrient Starvation on Corals' Susceptibility to Thermal Bleaching, University of Southampton, UK.
2013 - 2014: Postdoctoral Research Fellow working for Coral Reef Laboratory, University of Southampton, UK.
2009 – 2013: PhD in Marine Ecology and Evolution, University of Southampton, UK. Thesis: Ecological plasticity of Southern Ocean bivalves from contrasting environments.
2004 – 2008: MSci Marine Biology, University of Southampton, UK.

Research interests

My research is driven by the biological flexibility of marine invertebrates from different biogeographic regions, with a focus on invertebrate reproduction and development.

Experienced in invertebrate ecology from the Polar regions, I use a range of seafloor invertebrates to investigate acclimation and resilience to environmental change over short and extended timescales. My past and ongoing research demonstrates the role of long-term multi-generation acclimation to warming in areas considered thermally stable, with implications for future survival.

As a polar benthic ecologist, my current research has investigated changes to physiological parameters in Arctic seafloor invertebrates to projected climate change. Using innovative technology and an inter-disciplinary fusion of expertise, my vision is to become a national strength for reproductive and larval ecology in aquatic invertebrates.

Research group

Marine Biology and Ecology

Research project(s)


Influence of Nutrient Starvation on Corals' Susceptibility to Thermal Bleaching (INCORALS)

The Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor (ChAOS) - how changing sea ice conditions impact biological communities, biogeochemical processes and ecosystems

Dr Adam J Reed
Ocean and Earth Science
University of Southampton
Waterfront Campus
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
European Way
SO14 3ZH

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