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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton
(023) 8059 7496

Miss Lucy Brehaut

Apprentice Technician

Miss Lucy Brehaut's photo

Lucy Brehaut is an apprentice technician within the School of Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, based at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton.

The areas I support are the marine biology and biogeochemistry teaching activities for Ocean and Earth Science. My main duties are setting up lab practical sessions for undergraduate students and assisting with the day-to-day husbandry for marine life in the research aquarium.

Miss Lucy Brehaut
Ocean and Earth Science
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
University of Southampton Waterfront Campus
European Way
Southampton SO14 3ZH
Office No: 023 8059 6599
Ext: 26599

Room Number : NOCS/346/39/N1

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