Our Thermo Scientific Element XR is a double-focussing ICP-MS. It is a research-level multi-purpose ICP-MS that is particularly suited to the analyses of difficult matrix samples and problematic elements where resolution and sensitivity are important. In addition to its most sensitive ‘low’ resolution mode, it can operate in two higher resolution modes. This gives it capability for interference-free measurements of traditionally difficult analytes such as Fe, K, Si, P, As and Se. The instrument has a Faraday detector (in addition to Pulse and Analog) giving it an extended dynamic range. It is able to measure elemental abundances down to ppq levels.
For sample handling versatility it can be configured for use with various solution sample introduction systems including Peltier-cooled PFA cyclonic, SIS, barrel, Aridus and Apex desolvating systems. It can also be coupled of our laser ablation systems for solid/spatial sampling as well as other hyphenated accessories (such as the particle sorting AF4 and flow injection FAST systems).
Current activity
Consultancy Work
In addition to carrying out analyses to support research projects across University of Southampton and through collaborations around the world, we also undertake bespoke analyses on behalf of commercial partners. We have a group of expert scientific and technical staff who are happy to engage in confidential discussions and provide quotes for interested users.
Future Work
We are always looking to extend our research portfolio and welcome enquiries from potential collaborators, especially those seeking support for post-doctoral fellowships.
Key Contacts