The Geochemistry Group has two Thermo Scientific Neptune MC-ICP-MS systems for high precision measurement of isotopic ratios. Our ability to measure isotopic ratios across a wide range of elements has applications across many disciplines - in SOES this currently includes applications in Earth sciences, palaeoceanography, medical research and environmental studies. The Neptune instruments are double focusing, multi-collector systems that offer high sensitivity and wide-ranging measurement capability.
Our Thermo Scientific Neptune is equipped with 9 Faraday detectors with 5 ion counters (including an axial SEM with RPQ). It has mix of of 1011 and 1012Ω amplifiers.
Our second instrument is a Thermo Scientific Neptune Plus is equipped with 9 Faraday detectors with axial SEM and RPQ). It has mix of 1011, 1012 and 1013 Ω amplifiers. It also has Jet Interface for ultra-high sensitivity applications. A selection of solution sample introduction modes (quartz SIS, Peltier-cooled PFA SIS, PFA barrel, Teledyne Aridus 2 and 3, ESI Apex Q and HF) permit a wide range of sample types to be precisely analysed. We also couple the Neptunes to our laser ablation systems for spatial sampling and isotopic mapping.
Current activity
Precise measurements of the isotopic ratios of elements in geological, environmental, biological and archaeological samples allow many processes on the planet to be investigated.
Examples of work being carried out on this instrument includes:
Consultancy Work
In addition to carrying out analyses to support research projects across Southampton University and through collaborations around the world, we also undertake bespoke analyses on behalf of commercial partners. We have a group of expert scientific and technical staff who are happy to engage in confidential discussions and provide quotes for interested users.
Future Work
We work closely with groups within NOCS, across Southampton University and from research organisations worldwide. We are always looking to extend our research portfolio and welcome enquiries from potential collaborators, especially those seeking support for post-doctoral fellowships.
Key Contacts