Professor Bob Whitmarsh
Visiting Professor
Professor Bob Whitmarsh is Visiting Professor within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton.
1967 Scientific Officer, National Institute of Oceanography, Wormley, Surrey
1982 Senior Principal Scientific Officer (Individual Merit), Institute of Oceanographic Sciences
1989-1993 Head of Marine Geology and Geophysics Group, IOSDL
2001-present Honorary Visiting Professor, National Oceanography Centre Southampton
Chair, NOC Environment Committee, 2014 - present
Member, NOC Environment Sub-Committee, 2008-2013
Chair, InterMARGINS, 2001-2004
Permanent Secretary, GEBCO, 2001-2010
1962 Nottingham, BSc II:1 Geology with geophysics
1967 Cambridge, PhD Marine geophysics
Membership of Societies:
American Geophysical Union
Geological Society of London