Dr Stuart Turnbull-Dugarte leads Early Career Researcher online conference series
With the arrival of Covid-19 most academic conferences were either cancelled, postponed or moved online. This presents a problem for scholars, particularly early career researchers, such as advanced stage PhD students and postdoctoral researchers, who rely on conferences to obtain critical feedback on their work and network with other like-minded scholars from across the discipline.
To tackle this problem, Dr Turnbull-Dugarte , Assistant Professor and Lecturer in Political Science in the Department of Politics and International Relations, has organised a fortnightly seminar series for ECRs to share their works-in-progress that they would normally have presented at conferences.
In total there have been five sessions with a range of speakers from institutions across Europe, with presentations from people in 15 different research institutions and from 6 different countries.
Audience attendance and engagement has been very good and has included senior political scientists who have provided comments and feedback on the ECRs’ presentations.
There are still two more sessions left to go in the series (view the full programme here ) and there is a lot of interest in continuing the series after the summer, watch this space!