Dr Andrew Kaye
Health, International and Life Sciences team leader at the Government Office for Science (GO-Science)
The Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) Policy Fellowship Programmes offers the opportunity for policymakers and decision-makers from government and industry to forge useful and lasting connections with researchers and scientists.
Public Policy|Southampton has been part of the CSaP Policy Fellowship Programme since 2015 and invites CSaP Policy Fellows to visit the University for one or two days for a tailor-made programme of meetings with researchers and academics.
These meetings are an opportunity to facilitate in-depth discussions on concrete policy aspects and the ways in which Southampton research relates to these areas.
To find out how your research could benefit from the CSaP Policy Fellowship Programme contact us here .
Health, International and Life Sciences team leader at the Government Office for Science (GO-Science)
Deputy Director, Analysis and Insight Unit, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
Deputy Director for Strategy, Ofgem
Senior Health Economist, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Deputy Director, Analysis and Insight Unit, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
Head of Practice Innovation, Government Legal Department
Chair, Executive Committee, Set-up phase of National Academy for Mathematical Science
Senior Policy Adviser, Emissions Trading, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
Senior Private Secretary, Ministry of Justice
Senior Policy Analyst, Government of British Columbia
Deputy Director, AI and Digital Regulation Policy, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology
Policy and Design Team Lead, Community Ownership Fund, Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
My visit to Southampton was really stimulating. It was fantastic, in the course of a single day, to speak to experts from several different parts of the university, including public health, political science, law, geography and risk management. I came away with a number of fresh ideas related to work carried out by my team.
Southampton's CSaP Fellow programme is excellent. I learned a lot that I could use in my day job working in the civil service - and met a wide range of interesting and interested academics. There are real gains to be made from this sort of interaction between policy and academia.
Our visit to Southampton proved to be really valuable for our work- both directly in terms of raising awareness of relevant evidence in our policy areas, and indirectly in terms of ‘bigger picture’ considerations within a complex policy landscape. We very much appreciated the care that had gone into pairing us with experts in different fields who gave fascinating perspectives from their respective professional specialisms. We brought this newfound knowledge and thinking back into the department, and have already made use of the academic network since.
Deputy Head of US, Canada and Caribbean Department at Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Representative to the United Kingdom and European Union at British Virgin Islands Government
Senior Portfolio Manager, Department for Work and Pensions
Chief Business and Strategy Officer, Medicines Discovery Catapult
Director, Infrastructure & Materials at Department for Business, Energy Industrial and Strategy
Head of Strategy, Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (BEIS/DfT)
Lead for Public Sector Networks & Cyber Security Incident Management, Office of Cyber Security and Information Assurance, Cabinet Office
Head of International Secretariat, BEIS
Head of Chief Scientific Adviser's Cabinet, Research and Evidence Division at Department for International Development (DfID)
Deputy Head of Health Science and Bioethics, Department of Health
Deputy Director and Lead Analyst Children, Families and Disadvantage, Department for Work and Pensions
Senior Expert (Advisor) in Digital Social Innovation, Net Innovation European Commission DG Connect
A thought provoking day in Southampton, thinking about very familiar subjects from an informed but entirely different point of view. It’s a bit like wearing a new pair of glasses.
I really enjoyed my visit to Southampton. It’s great to step away from the day job and have meaningful discussions with experts. My conversations sparked lots of ideas…. and I have already followed up. Visiting Southampton has been my best professional development this year - I highly recommend it!
As Head of the Polar Regions Department in the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, my work regularly brings me into contact with scientists and researchers. However, the opportunity to participate in the Centre for Science and Policy programme has enabled me to meet and talk to academics from a much broader discipline base. I have learnt much more about how Universities work; about the latest scientific developments and techniques; and I have been challenged to think differently and look at policy development from a different perspective. I had a fantastic 2 days at the University of Southampton in April 2016, and I hope the diverse range of scientists and academics I met were equally able to learn about the policy-making process from me, and to consider the broader impact of their work. I would not hesitate to recommend this programme to other policy-makers, and I thank the University of Southampton once again for organising for me such a rewarding and inspiring programme.
The Southampton fellowship programme was a rare and hugely valuable opportunity to take some time out from demands of the office environment and explore with intellectual rigour some of the longer term, less tangible but critical issues that the space sector will face in the future.
Members of the Centre for Risk Research have found engagement with the University’s Public Policy Unit extremely rewarding. It has helped to put us in touch with key policymakers and practitioners. This has helped us to identify the issues which are of concern to governmental bodies at UK and European level and has given the Centre for Risk Research an important role in shaping future national and international research agendas.
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