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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Enhancing knowledge exchange and collaboration between MCA and SMMI

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Public Policy|Southampton (PPS) has been working in partnership with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and the Southampton Marine & Maritime Institute (SMMI) to create knowledge exchange opportunities for University of Southampton staff and students. These opportunities will support the evidence needs of the MCA and enhance the policy impact of the University’s wide-ranging academic expertise in the challenges confronting maritime industries, ports, the environment and wider society. Please refer to the boxes blow to read more about current placements of UoS researchers with the MCA.

The MCA is a government agency, headquartered in Southampton, which works to prevent the loss of lives at sea, produces legislation and guidance on maritime matters, and is responsible for implementing UK Government and international maritime safety policy in the UK and for UK Flagged vessels  They are natural government partners for the SMMI, that is a large community of academics with ocean-facing research interests from across the University, and whose expertise is well placed to support the regulatory role of the MCA.

This collaboration is being supported by regular contact between PPS's Senior Policy Officer and Placement Manager Yaryna Basystuk and Marine and Maritime Policy Specialist Dr Wassim Dbouk, and the MCA's Assistant Director of Maritime Future Technologies Ashley Stehr and Head of Stakeholder Management (Maritime Future Technologies) Saskia Daggett, where evidence needs are identified and scoped and strategies to fulfil them are set-out.

SMMI Director Professor Damon Teagle said, “This is an exciting initiative and a concrete example of the University working together with our city neighbours, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. There are major research challenges for the maritime industries for which there are no easy answers, from decarbonisation to autonomy and high levels of automation, to what will be the future fuels that will power the globally roaming ships that carry 90% of world trade. It is important that Government organisations have prompt access to the best research and visions”.

Ashley Stehr said, ”The MCA is proud to work in collaboration with PPS and SMMI to create this exciting placement.  Maritime Future Technologies is a dedicated team at the MCA coordinating the UK’s approach in Maritime Emission Reduction and Autonomy and ambitious challenges have been set for the maritime industry by IMO and the UK Government. The research this placement will provide will help shape how the MCA approaches these complex issues”.

Dr Wassim Dbouk said, “The University of Southampton, and the SMMI in particular, is globally renowned for the quality of its marine and maritime research. It is crucial to benefit from this niche expertise to support the MCA in adapting its regulatory framework to conform to the highest quality scientific evidence. This is an exciting opportunity to foster knowledge exchange, and to reinforce the policy impact of SMMI’s research through building a strategic partnership with a key actor in the UK maritime industry”.

University of Southampton PhD secondments at the MCA

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