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The University of Southampton
Public Policy|Southampton

Antidepressants for pain management in adults with chronic pain: a network meta-analysis


This project comprised of a systematic review and a network meta analysis of published randomised controlled trials testing antidepressants prescribed to people with Cochrane pain to reduce and manage their pain. The project found moderate evidence that duloxetine was effective in reducing pain in the short term, but there was insufficient evidence on long term effects and on side effects. All studies were evaluated for their methodological rigour. There was insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on any other antidepressant.

Anticipated policy impacts

The findings should influence the NICE guidelines for Primary Pain, Fibromyalgia, Back Pain, Neuropathic Pain and Osteoarthritis.


A published paper .

Project Members

Project Lead: Tamar Pincus

Hollie Birkinshaw (Southampton), Friedrich CM, Cole P, Eccleston C, Serfaty M, Stewart G, White S, Moore RA, Phillippo D.

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