Studying abroad is an enjoyable and rewarding experience that gives you skills highly valued by employers.
The undergraduate curriculum at WSA has been designed specifically so that you can integrate a semester abroad in the second semester of your second year. In contrast to some institutions, at WSA the period studying in another country is not considered as an 'add-on' but rather forms a part of your mainstream study. The work you produce while away from WSA will be assessed on your return and will contribute fully to your marks in the same way that units studied in the UK do.
In addition, as is the case for students remaining in the UK, if you can take advantage of an exchange opportunity you will produce a reflective journal in the second half of your second year. The journal allows those who have been abroad to analyse their time away and make the most of what they have learned for the benefit of their study back at WSA.
Winchester School of Art has Agreements with institutions across the European Union, under the Erasmus scheme, and further afield, under bilateral agreements, covering all of the disciplines taught at the School.
The Erasmus scheme is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013 run by the European Union (EU), which consists of a range of educational activities. Erasmus is the programme of activities which relate to higher education. It aims to enhance the European dimension of Higher Education and promote mobility within the EU.
The Erasmus Student Mobility programme enables students to undertake a period of study in Europe between 3 and 10 months as part of a degree programme.
More information can be found on the
University's Erasmus scheme
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