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The University of Southampton
Biomedical Imaging Unit

Video Gallery

Many of our imaging systems generate multi-dimensional datasets which can be manipulated and reconstructed in a wide variety of immersive and interactive ways.

These images remain copyright of the Biomedical Imaging Unit. You are free to use them for personal and educational purposes only. For any other purposes please contact us .


microCT imaging, segmentation and reconstruction of a mouse embryo at 16 days post fertilisation. Data processing by David Chatelet, Biomedical Imaging Unit, University of Southampton.


Confocal imaging through the layers of a small mesenteric arteriole from vascular endothelium to outer connective tissue sheath. Cell nuclei are shown in red (DAPI) and collagen and elastin in green (exploiting the strong interaction between alexfluor 633 hydrazide and these proteins). The sample was optically cleared to facilitate imaging. Sample preparation by Claire Bryant.


Light sheet microscopy of KAT2B localisation in mouse embryos at 10.5, 11.5 and 12.5 days post fertilisation. Sample preparation and image processing by Steph Robinson.


Phase contrast, time lapse imaging of 16HBE bronchial epithelial cell line in culture migrating to close a "wound" made by scratching the confluent cell sheet.


Resonant scanning confocal imaging of cytoplasmic calcium levels in rat heart muscle cells in culture reported by fluo-4 staining.
As the cells beat, they release calcium ions from membrane bound vesicles into the cytoplasm, where the ions mediate actin-myosin interactions leading to contraction. As the calcium level rises, the fluorescent intensity of the fluo-4 dye increases. At the end of the beat, the calcium ions are returned to the membrane bound vesicles, the level in the cytoplasm decreases and the fluorescent intensity of the fluo-4 reduces.
The images were captured using the resonant scanning mode of a Leica TCS SP5 laser scanning confocal microscope at around 25 frames per second.


Reflective mode, confocal imaging of a "snake skin" link metal necklace.


Phase contrast, time lapse imaging of mouse MRC5 fibroblasts in culture.

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