Dr Hongfei Liu BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA
Associate Professor in Marketing
Hongfei is Associate Professor in Marketing at Southampton Business School. He completed his PhD in Marketing at University of Hull. Prior to joining the University of Southampton, he had academic positions at University of Essex and Coventry University.
Hongfei's research interests primarily lie in digital marketing and social media. His research focuses on the impact of digitalisation and technologisation on individuals, businesses, and societies. Hongfei specialises in electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication, and likes employing quantitative methods (e.g., experiment and survey) to address the marketing and social issues in the digital age.
His work has been published in the highly regarded journals, including Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, Tourism Management and Journal of Travel Research among others.
Hongfei serves as an Associate Editor for Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing and a guest editor for Journal of Business Research . He also co-chairs tracks in Academy of Marketing (UK) and Academy of Marketing Science (US) conferences.