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The University of Southampton
Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise Students

Equality & Diversity

The University of Southampton is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all our students. Careers, Employability and Student Enterprise has a number of programmes and services for students who may need extra support whilst studying with us. Please see links below for details of these and for further information about the Equality Act 2010.

My Generation Coaching image

My Generation Career Coaching

Are you the first person in your family to go to university? Find out how to clarify your goals and improve your career planning skills through Career Coaching

Career Vision Plus Club image

The Career Vision Plus Club

Are you a final or penultimate year undergraduate student from an underrepresented background? Join The Career Vision Plus Club for career planning and next steps support

Vice Chancellor's Progression Scheme image

Vice Chancellor's Progression Scheme

Are you a final year undergraduate student from an underrepresented background and considering a postgraduate programme at the University of Southampton? The Vice-Chancellor's Progression Scheme could help you!


Within the UK, the Equality Act 2010 legally protects people from discrimination both in the workplace and in wider society. It also sets out the different ways in which it’s unlawful to treat someone.

To find out more about who is protected from discrimination, the types of discrimination under the law, and what action you can take if you feel you’ve been unfairly discriminated against, please visit the UK Government Equality Act 2010 guidance pages .

Below are some additional resources for individual student groups.

General support

Support for specific groups

  • Stonewall at work - LGBTQ+ charity. Includes a section on employment and a list of Stonewall’s top 100 employers
  • SUSU LGBTQ+ - SUSU society representing LGBTQ+ students
  • - includes help and support for mature students and older workers
  • Daphne Jackson Trust - charity dedicated to returning talented scientists, engineers and technologists to careers after a break of two years or more
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