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The University of Southampton
Chemistry Postgraduate study

MPhil Chemistry

MPhil Chemistry is usually a one year programme that focuses on the design and execution of an original research project.

The project will occupy about two thirds of the year, with the remainder of the time devoted to lectures and preparation of a chemistry MPhil thesis.

Original research project

In common with most British universities, all students planning to complete a PhD must formally register for an MPhil degree in the first instance. We are confident that students will then transfer after one year to a PhD registration upon completion of a mini-thesis describing the project objectives and preliminary results. A PhD programme is normally completed in a period of three years after entry to the Graduate School.

Application information

MPhil Chemistry applicants are required to submit a University application form with transcripts.

UK students will be interviewed in person and EU/international students may be interviewed by telephone.

Apply here

Key facts

Entry requirements: second-class honours degree or equivalent in a relevant engineering/science subject

Duration: one year full-time, or up to three years part-time

Assessment: coursework, examinations, dissertation

Research Groups

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