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The University of Southampton
Clean Carbon

Carbon Sequestration

Carbon dioxide geological storage (or sequestration) is the placement of atmospheric, human produced CO 2 into underground geological formations, where it can be permanently stored away from the atmosphere, in order to mitigate or defer global warming and avoid dangerous climate change. It requires deep porous layers of rock capped by several layers of impermeable rock. Suitable formations include depleted oil and gas reservoirs and deep saline reservoirs.

james cook

The CHIMNEY project

Researching hazards involved in the storage of carbon dioxide in North Sea depleted oil & gas reservoirs & saline aquifers

iceland basalt

The CarbFix Project

Imitating natural storage of carbon dioxide observed in basaltic rocks in Icelandic geothermal fields

Theme Leader


Chiara Marieni

Mike Allright

Melis Cevatoglu

Rob Holland

Ben Callow

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