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The University of Southampton
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

How we make decisions

All students and employees have a responsibility for making sure that our University community is inclusive.

Diagram showing equality, diversity and inclusion groups and where they report
The University's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion governance

The University Council is responsible for ensuring that we meet our public sector equality duty as set out in the Equality Act 2010 .

Our institutional Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee sets the strategic direction of our EDI work. It is chaired by our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champion who is a member of the University Executive Board .

Our staff networks are consulted on our EDI work and are each represented by a sponsor on the institutional EDI Committee. Committees, self-assessment teams and other groups across faculties and professional services also influence our decision making through our governance structure.

Who is accountable for equality, diversity and inclusion?

University Council

Ensures legal compliance and governance.

University Executive Board

Ensures that adequate resources are allocated to the work and that the priorities are aligned with wider university work.

Members model and champion the EDI principles within the areas and functions of the University for which they are responsible.

University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champion

Setts the strategic EDI direction for the institution.

University Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Ensures that the strategic EDI direction is delivered and has oversight of the different areas of work.

What groups influence the University's strategic EDI direction?

Equality Charters Programme Board

Ensures that the different equality charters submissions are completed on time and to the highest quality.

Faculty and Professional Services Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committees

Make the institutional strategic vision relevant in their local area and to feed good practice and significant issues up to the University EDI Committee.

Faculty committees include student representatives.

Self-Assessment Teams

One each for: Athena Swan , Race Equality Charter, Disability Confident, Concordart for the Career Development of Researchs, and Technicians' Commitment.

Work as a multidisciplinary team to gather the necessary data and evidence, analyse the findings and help write a high-quality self-assessment submission. Oversee the implementation of the associated actions.

All SATs include student representatives.

Tackling Harassment Board

Ensures that appropriate mechanisms are in place to support staff and students affected by different types of harassment, and that student and staff policies, processes and training in these areas are aligned.

Includes student representatives.

Staff Networks

Includes: REACH, Disability, Pulse LGBT+, and Parents' and Carers'.

Grass-roots peer support and campaigning networks that bring people with shared experiences together. Key issues form the networks feed into the University EDI Committee.

The Students' Union (SUSU)

Ensures that the student voice is heard and is included in the decision-making progress.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team

Provides expertise, knowledge, practical advice and critical challenge to help embed EDI across the University.

Last update: 22 August 2023 [AM]

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