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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Dr Dionysia Lambiri PhD, MSc

Visiting Research Fellow

Dr Dionysia Lambiri's photo

Dr Dionysia Lambiri is Visiting Research Fellow within Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.


2015-present Visiting Research Fellow
Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

2013-2015 Senior Research Fellow
Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

2012-2013 Engagement and Dissemination Director – ESRC RIBEN ( )
Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton

2010-2012 Lecturer in Economic Geography
School of Geography, University of Southampton

2007-2010 Research Associate
School of Geography, University of Southampton

2006-2007 Teaching Fellow
School of Real Estate and Planning, University of Reading

2001-2005 Sessional Lecturer
School of Economics, University of Reading


2006 Ph.D in Urban and Regional Economics, UNIVERSITY OF READING, Department of Economics, Centre for Spatial and Real Estate Economics

1998 MSc in Regional Studies, UNIVERSITY OF READING
Department of Economics, Centre for Spatial and Real Estate Economics

1997 BSc in Economics, ATHENS UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS, Department of Economics

Research interests

My main research interests lie in the field of Urban and Regional Economics, including urban growth, urban regeneration, housing market analysis, quality of life studies and retail geography. Over the last three years, I worked together with Prof Neil Wrigley and Katherine Cudworth (School of Geography, University of Southampton) in a large scale and highly influential research project looking at the impacts of large foodstores on market towns and district centres in the UK ( ). Moreover, I am involved in a wide range of research projects, looking at issues of Quality of Life in Urban Areas (with Bianca Biagi, University of Sassari and Vicente Royuela, University of Barcelona), Regional Labour Market Efficiency (with Alessandra Faggian, University of Southampton and Aki Kangasharju, Government Institute for Economic Research, Finland), Tourism and the Housing Market (with Bianca Biagi and Alessandra Faggian), and The Causes and Consequences of Residential Segregation (with Miguel Vargas, Diego Portales University, Chile) .

Research Projects

2012-present The Future of UK High Street (ESRC) Geography and Environment University of Southampton (in collaboration with Neil Wrigley)
This project seeks to produce a forward-looking and agenda-setting academic review, evaluating alternative visions of the future of UK high streets, exploring how they have evolved and may evolve in the future.

2012-2014 The Effect of Tourism on House Prices in Italy
Visiting Research Fellow, University of Sassari, Department of Economics
(in collaboration with Bianca Biagi & Maria Giovanna Brandano)
Research project looking at the direct and indirect effects of tourism on house prices in Italian Provinces. With the use of data on house prices, tourist arrivals, tourist establishments and other hospitality indicators from 1991-2007, the aim of the project is to ‘quantify’ the effect of tourism with the construction of tourism indices and examine the extent to which tourist activity in a province affects house price levels.

2010-2011 Romsey town centre study
Research Associate, University of Southampton, Geography and Environment
(in collaboration with Neil Wrigley, Katherine Cudworth and Jen Li)

In-depth study of the town centre of Romsey in Hampshire, UK, with the aim to give policy recommendations on how the town can keep and improve its competitive position as a retail centre. The study investigated the town’s vitality and viability and its strengths and weaknesses in meeting customer requirements; it looked at how the town functions as a shopping destination, analysed consumer behaviour, and identified improvements which could potentially encourage ‘claw-back’ of catchment expenditure (Primary data. Face to face interviews with consumers and businesses).

2007-2010 Revisiting the Impact of Large Foodstores on Market Towns and District Centres Research Associate, University of Southampton, Geography and Environment
(in collaboration with Neil Wrigley and Katherine Cudworth)

Three year research project based on a major two-region, before/after study of the impacts of foodstore developments on UK market towns and district centres. The study was designed to reflect the store development consequences of more than a decade of refocused retail planning regulation in the UK– regulation which from 1996 onwards has prioritized a ‘town-centres-first’ approach to retail development and enjoyed strong political support (Primary data-face to face interviews and focus groups with consumers and businesses).

Research group

Economy, Society and Governance

PhD/MPhil supervision:

2011-2014: MPhil supervision (student: Bianca Biagi-took over in September 2011).
Thesis title: ‘Interregional Migration in Italy’. Student submitted in April 2013. (co-supervisor: Prof Alessandra Faggian, Ohio State University)

2010-2013: PhD supervision (student: Les Dolega). Thesis title: ‘The Performance of UK
High Streets During Economic Crisis’. PhD awarded in January 2013 subject to minor
corrections (co-supervisors: Prof Neil Wrigley, Dr Julia Branson).

Past teaching responsibilities:

2010-2012 University of Southampton

Courses taught:

Quantitative Methods for Geographers, 1st year undergrad. (course convenor)
Urban and Regional Economies, 3rd year undergrad.  (course convenor)
Globalisation and Uneven Development, 1st year undergrad.
Geographical Skills: 1st year undergrad. supervision groups

2006-2007 University of Reading (Sessional Lecturer/Tutor):
Real Estate Economics, MSc Real Estate; Case Studies in Regional Science, 3rd year undergrad.; Property and Investment Economics, 2nd year undergrad.; Quantitative Techniques in Land Management, 1st year undergrad.

2001-2005 University of Reading Courses taught (Tutor):
Property and Investment Economics, 2nd year undergrad. Economics for Managers, 1st year undergrad; European Urban and Regional Economics, 3rd year undergrad.

Dr Dionysia Lambiri
University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

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