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The University of Southampton
Geography and Environmental Science

Dr Victor Alegana

Research Fellow

Dr Victor Alegana's photo

Dr Victor Alegana is a Research Fellow for Geography and Environmental Science at the University of Southampton.

" I am particularly interested in applied spatial data science to public health problems especially for infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries. "


PhD(2014) : Developing empirical space-time models of health services for the treatment of malaria to estimate disease incidence, University of Southampton, UK

MSc (2011) Applied GIS and remote sensing: Spatial modelling of public healthcare utilisation at a national level for treatment of fever: a case study of Namibia, University of Southampton, UK

Work history

2015-Present: Research fellow, Geography and Environmental Science, University of Southampton, UK

2006 - 2015: Research officer, Spatial Health Metrics Group, Kenya Medical Research Institute-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Nairobi, Kenya

Research interests

Broad research areas

In using applied data science to investigate public health problems related to infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countries. I am currently investigating ways of improving disease estimates in countries aiming for elimination.

Delivery of healthcare in low-resource settings including access, health systems and health interventions.

Recent and current projects

Mapping for malaria elimination: Advances in mapping malaria for elimination: fine resolution modelling of Plasmodium falciparum incidence.

Equity delivery: Distribution and delivery of healthcare in low-and middle income countries

Healthcare utilisation for fever treatment: Using Bayesian IRT models to estimate treatment burden in low-resource settings.

SDG indicators and nationally representative survey data: Investigation precision in public health data-science.

Research group

Population, Health and Wellbeing (PHeW)

Affiliate research group

Global Environmental Change and Earth Observation

GEOG 3055 The geography of disease in the tropics

Dr Victor Alegana
Building 44 University of Southampton University Road Southampton SO17 1BJ

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