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The University of Southampton
Mathematical Sciences
(023) 8059 3680

Professor Tim Sluckin

Emeritus Professor

Professor Tim Sluckin
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Professor Tim Sluckin is a Professor within Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton.


Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications

Fellow of the Institute of Physics

Extended visiting posts at Grenoble (France), Haifa (Israel), Milan (Italy)

1995 Appointed to Personal Chair in Applied Mathematics in Southampton

Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader in Mathematics, University of Southampton

Lecturer in Mathematics, University of Bristol

Research Associate, University of Bristol

Research Associate, Case Western University, Cleveland, Ohio

NATO Postdoctoral Fellow, Brooklyn College, New York and Stanford University

Ph.D. Theoretical Physics, University of Nottingham

M.Math. (Part III) Mathematics, University of Cambridge

(Natural Sciences, Theoretical Physics), University of Cambridge

Research interests

Statistical mechanics, in particular theory of liquid crystals

Liquid crystals have been a major focus of work in Southampton for over 40 years. The Southampton group also includes Emeritus Professors Geoffrey Luckhurst and Jim Emsley (Chemistry), Professor Malgosia Kaczmarek (Physics), and Dr Giampaolo D’Alessandro (Mathematics).

  • Theoretical ecology
  • Mathematical anthropology

History of Science

I have authored a number of books on the history of liquid crystals, including

Crystals that flow: classic papers from the history of liquid crystals” (co-authored with David Dunmur and Horst Stegemeyer) (Taylor and Francis 2004), and

Soap, Science and Flat Screen TVs: a history of liquid crystals” (co-authored with David Dunmur ) (Oxford University Press 2010)

For more details of current research, see personal page

Research group

Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Affiliate research groups

Computational Applied Mathematics, Mathematics in Biology and Medicine

Research project(s)

Computational Human Sciences

Computational Multiscale Modelling

Evolutionary Biology and Ecology

Stochastic Processes in Biology

Mathematical Optical Physics

Mathematical Modelling

Liquid Crystals and Classical Optics

Outreach; Staff Development and Training.

MATH1004 Introductory Mathematics for Chemists and Oceanographers

Professor Tim Sluckin
Mathematics University of Southampton Highfield Southampton SO17 1BJ Room: Building 54 Room 6017

Room Number : 54/11005

Facsimile: (023) 8059 5147

Professor Tim Sluckin's personal home page
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