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The University of Southampton
µ-VIS: Multidisciplinary, Multiscale, Microtomographic Volume Imaging


Please note that scanning projects will be costed in close consultation with the client due to the often-complex nature of each project. However, the following figures may be used for guidance. Please contact us with specific queries and we will be pleased to advise.

Commercial pricing

Carefully planned experiments can optimise costs, potentially achieving effective rates as low as £85/hour where unattended overnight operation is possible. This depends on the nature of the experiment and the sample; particulars of individual jobs should be discussed with the centre.

Beam time and data analysis equipment hiring are available for periods of half a day upwards. Often for new projects, the first half day is devoted to defining the scope of the investigation and establishing a suitable imaging protocol. Customers are welcome to be present during all stages of the investigation.

We can accommodate "urgent" investigation, but please note that an non-refundable 25% premium will be applied for work that displace prior bookings subject to availability.

For more information regarding commercial access to the μ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre, or to discuss a potential projects and request a quote please contact us

Additional services may be available, as detailed below.

External academic pricing

Results from projects classified as “academic” must be published in the public domain. Members of the µ-VIS team may request co-authorship and collaboration, depending on the level of input required.

For the ongoing success and existence of the centre it is vital that our efforts are recognised. Any publications that come out of projects classified, and thus charged, as 'internal-' or 'external academic' and include data generated using the centre's facilities must acknowledge the centre's contribution using the following phrase: The authors acknowledge the µ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre at the University of Southampton for provision of tomographic imaging facilities, supported by EPSRC grant EP-H01506X. The centre retains the right to charge researchers at commercial rates for data sets used in academic work without this acknowledgement.

For external academic work the standard day rate is £1,390.10 (with a £695.05 minimum charge per project), however carefully planned experiments can optimise costs, potentially achieving effective rates as low as £58/hour where unattended overnight operation is possible.

Access to data processing and visualisation suite (see here ), including several high-performance workstations with multiple 3D image analysis software packages, is included for normal academic usage. Access to the image analysis suite is typically available to users for four weeks after the CT scan.

Additional services may be available, as detailed below.

Internal academic pricing

As of 1st Feb 2024 Research Council FEC hourly rates for University of Southampton researchers are as follows. This rate must be used for costing CT scanning in any grant proposal. All grant applications should be discussed with the centre before the submission of the proposal .

The process for costing XCT in your application is outlined below:
1. Engage with us to discuss your requirements.
2. Complete and send us the Facilities quote form for approval; (UoS login is required).
3. Enter the approved quote into the Worktribe system
(see also Worktribe Research & Enterprise Support )

For the ongoing success and existence of the centre it is vital that our efforts are recognised. Any publications that come out of projects classified, and thus charged, as 'internal-' or 'external academic' and include data generated using the centre's facilities must acknowledge the centre's contribution using any of the following phrase:

- The authors acknowledge the µ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre at the University of Southampton for the provision of the X-ray tomographic imaging facilities
If you have accessed our equipment through NXCT please use:
- Beamtime allocation at the μ-VIS X-ray Imaging Centre was supported by the National Research Facility for Laboratory -based X-ray CT ( through EPSRC grant EP/T02593X/1
- This work was supported by the National Research Facility for Lab X-ray CT (NXCT) through EPSRC grant EP/T02593X/1.

The centre retains the right to charge researchers at commercial rates for data sets used in academic work without this acknowledgement .

In the interest of stimulating and supporting novel and exploratory projects, and at the centre's discretion, internal researchers can apply for a 'license'. Please consult the µ-VIS wiki for further particulars (internal access only).

Access to data processing and visualisation suite (see here ), including several high-performance workstations with multiple 3D image analysis software packages, is included for normal academic usage. Access to the image analysis suite is typically available to users for four weeks after the CT scan.

Additional services

Where appropriate, the centre may offer additional supporting services, such as:

Access to the image analysis suite is typically available to users for four weeks after the CT scan.

Further PDRA support for e.g. data analysis may be arranged on request for an additional charge.

Please note that all prices are exclusive of VAT.

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