We offer a range of training services and provide online resources for our users.
To find out more about our online user resources (documentation, training material, etc) please have a look at the Documentation page (campus IP or VPN access only).
For information on training sessions and workshops for users, please look at the Training page. Other useful links and resources available on the web can be found below:
Software (Download, tutorials and functionality)
[ The University cannot accept responsibility for external websites ]
- Fiji/ImageJ : open source image processing software ( Download , Getting started , Tutoria l )
- Blender : open source 3D graphics and animation software ( Download , Tutorials )
- VGStudio MAX - Volume Graphics: 3D data visualisation and analysis ( F ind out more )
- myVGL : free viewer application for projects created with VG software products ( Download )
- Avizo - FEI Visualization Sciences Group: 3D data visualisation and analysis ( Find out more , User guide )
- Simpleware : 3D data visualisation, analysis and model generation ( Find out more , Webinar )
- IDL - EXELIS Visual Information Solutions: programming language used to extract visualizations from complex numerical data ( Find out more )
- DigiXCT - Digisens: 3D-reconstruction software for the X-ray tomography3D CT software ( Find out more )
- GOM Inspect : 3D inspection and mesh processing, ( Find out more , Download )
- Tomviz : Open source software for tomography data visualisation designed to work on low-end computers ( Download )
- Microscopy Image Browser a high-performance MATLAB-based software for image processing, segmentation and visualization( Homepage )
- I Do Imaging : free medical imaging applications and resources as listed in www.idoimaging.com
Other useful resources
University of Southampton imaging & affiliated Facilities
Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Tomography Facilities