Research interests
My current work involves comparing changes in marine predation pressure exerted by different feeding guilds across latitudes, with a focus on distinguishing between durophagous and non-durophagous groups. Many authors quantifying predation pressure focus on durophagous animals such as crabs, because their attacks may be recorded on the bones or shells of their prey. However, focusing on one feeding guild alone presents us with an incomplete picture. I hope to investigate other feeding guilds using tools that include biodiversity and energetics.
Research project
: Variation in predation by soft bodied predators from the tropics to the poles
Professor Lloyd S Peck
Dr Laura Grange
Dr Simon Morley
Dr Elizabeth Harper
(Uni of Cambridge)
Research group
Marine Biology and Ecology
Ms Alice Pullen
British Antarctic Survey, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0ET
United Kingdom