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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Research project: Sentinel products for detecting EUtROphication and Harmful Algal Bloom events in the French-English Channel (S-3 EUROHAB)

Currently Active:

The S-3 EUROHAB project will use data from the recently launched European satellite, Copernicus Sentinel 3, to track the growth and spread of harmful algal blooms in the Channel. This data will then be used to create a web based alert system, the first of its kind in Europe, to alert marine managers and fishing industries of the growth of potentially damaging algal blooms.

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Over the course of this 4-year EU funded project (commenced November 2017) 9 partner institutions on both sides of the Channel (5 in France and 4 in U.K) will apply a number of different approaches to better understand and predict HABs as well as investigate the socio-economic impact of HABs and poor water quality in the French-English Channel.

ERDF Funding Contribution: €2.59 M

Total Budget: €3.76 M

Dinophysis. Credit: PlanktonNet
Alexandra Pseudonitz
Pseudo-nitzschia. Credit: PlanktonNet
Satellite image of chlorophyll a
Satellite image of chlorophyll a. Credit: PML Remote Sensing Group

A cross-border network of monitoring observatories will be created to produce in situ and satellite databases of parameters in near to real-time to assist in the assessment of Good Ecological Status and the development of HAB algorithms. Ultimately a web-based detection system will be developed and this technology will be used to improve management of toxin monitoring in fish and shellfisheries in the French-English Channel.

Key Contacts

Duncan Purdie
Anouska Panton

PhDs and Other Opportunities


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