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The University of Southampton
Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton

Dr Anouska Panton BSc, PhD

Visiting Fellow

Dr Anouska Panton's photo

Dr Anouska Panton is a Visiting Fellow in Marine Biogeochemistry within Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton at the University of Southampton.

2017 – 2022: Research Fellow, Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton. Working on S3-EUROHAB research project.

2015 – 2017: Senior Research Associate, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Portsmouth. Working on the Christchurch Harbour Macronutrients Project and Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Project.

2013 – 2015: Research Fellow in Aquatic Biogeochemistry, Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton. Working on the NERC Christchurch Harbour Macronutrients Project.

2008– 2012: PhD, Department of Earth and Ocean Science, University of Liverpool

Research interests

Phytoplankton and microbial ecology, estuarine and coastal biogeochemistry, sediment resuspension, Regions of Freshwater Influence.

Research Project : S3-EUROHAB

Research group

Marine Biogeochemistry

Research project(s)

Sentinel products for detecting EUtROphication and Harmful Algal Bloom events in the French-English Channel (S-3 EUROHAB)

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Book Chapter

  • Morgan, E. , Brown, A. , Ciotti, B. , & Panton, A. (2016). Effects of temperature stress on ecological processes . In M. Solan, & N. Whiteley (Eds.), Stressors in the Marine Environment : Physiological and Ecological Responses; Societal Implications (pp. 213-227). Oxford University Press.
Dr Anouska Panton
Ocean and Earth Science
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
University of Southampton Waterfront Campus
European Way
Southampton SO14 3ZH

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