Dr Jamie M. Purkis PhD., MChem (Hons.), MRSC, AFHEA
Visiting Fellow

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Jamie M. Purkis is Nuclear Waste Consultant for Atkins Ltd. in Bristol, and a Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton specialising in nuclear decommissioning.
From 2019 to 2021 he was a Research Fellow in Nuclear Decommissioning with the TRANSCEND Consortium (TRANsformative SCience and Engineering for Nuclear Decommissioning) working with Profs. Andy Cundy and Phil Warwick to develop novel methods to clean-up radioactively contaminated land. From 2015-2019 he studied with Profs. Polly Arnold FRS OBE (Director of Chemical Sciences at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, USA) and Jason Love at the University of Edinburgh, and Dr. Jonathan Austin of the National Nuclear Laboratory, UK, developing new uranium reprocessing technologies using photochemistry. He obtained his Masters Degree in Chemistry at the University of Southampton, UK, in 2015 with Prof. Gill Reid FRSC (now president-elect of the Royal Society of Chemistry) and Dr. David C. Pugh, studying macrocyclic complexes of Group 2 dications.