Work experience into this particular area is often a necessity when it comes to being selected onto a postgraduate course as it shows a strong work ethic, determination and commitment.
As an undergraduate, it isn’t simple to find work alongside a Qualified Forensic Psychologist. Shadowing a Forensic Psychologist, however, may be easier to find by
searching for them in your local area
, which the BPS allows you to do.
The following points include examples of relevant work experience, some include local opportunities.
The University of Southampton runs a programme for a Voluntary Research Assistant (VRA). This is unpaid and usually runs over the summer or a few hours a week during term time. It is a great opportunity to increase your chances of achieving a place on a postgraduate course. In addition, the researchers could write a letter of reference for you.
Catch 22 provides voluntary work opportunities with disadvantaged children who are at risk of offending.
Working with voluntary organisations to help stop crime. eg: Voluntary work at Wessex Youth Offenders Team – you must be willing to commit on a long-term basis due to training costs.
Victim Support is a national charity giving help and support to victims of crime via their helpline. This is not available in the Southampton area but there are a variety of others areas listed.
Jobs are advertised in the Psychologist Appointments, which is part of The Psychologist (the BPS monthly magazine), in newspapers (e.g. The Times, The Guardian, The Independent) and in specialist publications from the Home Office.
A Criminal Records Bureau Check will be needed if you are working with vulnerable people or dealing with confidential information